Just because

Okay, so because I've been more deep and thoughtful lately, I thought I'd throw a little cuteness into the pondering. Here's my S. She was sitting next to me on the couch and she wanted me to cover the flash on my phone because it's so bright. I wonder sometimes what is going through her little mind at 2. Usually she lets me know, but these quiet moments make me wonder. And her latest thing. When I would put her down for a nap or at bedtime, as I was closing the door, I would peek back through and say, "I love you". She used to say "love you too!". For the past couple of weeks her standard response to "I love you" is "No you don't!" in a cute little sing-songy voice. She thinks it's cute. She actually surprised me last night when Tim called to say goodnight to the girls, he told her he loved her, and she wasn't thinking and said it back immediately in her little voice. I hadn't heard her say it in so long...