
Showing posts from March, 2013


My running...mmmm.  I think I've talked about this before.  It was probably last fall when I was "training" for Goofy.  You know...that little 39.3 miles in two days.  The race that I felt amazing at the end of - exhausted - but amazing.  I've lost my running mojo.  Granted I'm still running about two days a week right now and decent miles at that, but my drive is gone.   I know part of why I refound my love in running 6 years ago was because I needed something just for me.  Something for me to own.  Something to be proud of that was mine.  I can't tell you how tiresome it got to always be referred to as somebody's mother, somebody's daughter, somebody's wife, somebody's sister.  Running was mine.  Especially when I felt like I needed to maintain to keep others motivated.  When I came up with the idea of participating in Team in Training with Shrinking Jeans, I had a group of women who really hadn't run much, if at all, be...


This is a hard and yet honest post to write.  One that may be hurtful to many...but it's not intended as such.  It's just my heart on my sleeve.  So please...if you feel this applies to you, it's not meant as an attack.  It's my perception of my life experiences and how my perception has changed in the last year. As a kid I never questioned my parent's love or support for me.  My family (including extended family) was always one of if you do something stupid, they will make you take responsibility for your actions, support you through your idiocy, and then good-naturedly laugh at you for eternity over your idiocy.  This was never really an issue for me.  I knew that this was a sign of love from my family.  That may be a bit twisted, but it usually has us laughing at ourselves in hindsight.  It's good to be able to laugh at yourself. I am a people pleaser.  Always have been.  On some level I always will be.  I never wanted to be...