Okay! I'm back. I figured I needed to get a few more answered before all five kids invade this weekend!! I pick the girls up this afternoon after school and B's kids arrive tomorrow evening. So... on to Jaime's question. " What does your average 'ranch life' day look like?" Well, it's really not all that exciting most days...even though I love it and wish I could spend more of my time raising animals. The winter is completely different than the summer, so I will give you both versions. Winter: Right now the main work is the chickens and maintaining firewood prep. The chickens have a coop and a closed in pen, but we let them out most days to roam the majority of the yard. We currently have 37. So every morning I let them out, check their grain, water, and see if they have laid any eggs yet. This morning I picked up 5 before 9 a.m. In the afternoons we spoil the birds completely. Every day they get a pot of freshly cooked white rice an...