Love you, Megan Elaine and Sara Renee. You are what have brought me through some very dark times. Thank you for wanting me to be your mom and including me in your lives.
I loved this challenge. I've been striving to find "the" depth of field picture that just speaks to me. Luckily I had lots of opportunity this past weekend to find the pictures I wanted to. On Saturday I boarded a bus to California's Amador County wine country and visited 4 different wineries with a friend. These were so bright and beautiful and simple. The colors!! Perfection! I took about 20 pictures of this door trying to get this perspective. I love this one. This was another one that was may favorite of about 20. I think it's the burst of orange. I can't wait to see all the beautiful pictures everyone else is going to post over at Beth's.
Wow! It's amazing what happens when you sleep for 8 hours one night and 9 the next! You can cope with heat and humidity and sun and crowds and traffic. After enjoying a nice yummy breakfast (I had an omelet) we packed up the truck and headed out of Granny's place and off for the big city. We were meeting Thea at the Air & Space Museum and rode the metro in the north. The metro used to scare me, but not so much anymore. The maps are pretty too. We left T at a corner where he turned towards Starbucks to do homework and not hobble around in his boot. We went the opposite way towards l Air & Space. The last time we were there the girls didn't get to see a lot of it because we ran out of time. After a pitstop in the bathroom I spotted Thea. Yay! Roomie! The 10yo was excited to see all the Apollo stuff since she did a research paper on it at the end of the school year. I took pictures on the real camera but not with my phone so no fun pictures there. I refused to make i...
Yellow. I tried to find it in places other than nature...since I've been taking a lot of pictures of mountains, clouds, snow and other mother nature-y kind of things. A plastic chain in the parking lot at T's office. Supposed to keep people from parking on the dirt instead of in the parking spots. This was the section that was still standing. An adjacent section was broken on the ground, probably caused by someone backing up into it. Nothing like a worn label in an elevator. Poor little fraying, peeling label. Check out the other yellow captured and shared at Beth's.
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