I love (cheap) office supplies

Okay, so right now Staples is having a sale. Colorful folders with the 3-hole brads in them for 1 cent a piece. I am a sucker for things like that. I also got a new mechanical pencil because mine old one seems to have walked off my desk. I really liked that old pencil. I'm hoping to enjoy this new one as much. It was hard to keep the girls' mitts off of all the Crayola products there for back to school. I'm waiting to hit Wal-Mart with their back to school sales. As the titles states, I love cheap office supplies. The girls went through about 5 packages of construction paper this year. They are down to black and I refuse to pay the $3+ a package that they are right now. I know last year I found them for just over a buck each. Mental note to buy more than 5.


  1. I can get pretty goofy over postits and pens myself. Why is that? You might like currentcatalog.com. Lots of (cheap) paper and stuff.

    Congrats on getting your blog started.

  2. Thanks, Aerie, for my first comment. That's almost as exciting as my first post!


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