#insaneroadtrip day 17

Wow! It's amazing what happens when you sleep for 8 hours one night and 9 the next! You can cope with heat and humidity and sun and crowds and traffic.

After enjoying a nice yummy breakfast (I had an omelet) we packed up the truck and headed out of Granny's place and off for the big city. We were meeting Thea at the Air & Space Museum and rode the metro in the north. The metro used to scare me, but not so much anymore. The maps are pretty too.

We left T at a corner where he turned towards Starbucks to do homework and not hobble around in his boot. We went the opposite way towards l Air & Space. The last time we were there the girls didn't get to see a lot of it because we ran out of time.

After a pitstop in the bathroom I spotted Thea. Yay! Roomie!

The 10yo was excited to see all the Apollo stuff since she did a research paper on it at the end of the school year. I took pictures on the real camera but not with my phone so no fun pictures there.

I refused to make it to DC and not get a picture in front of a monument. So I dragged my three, Thea and her 2 kids in the dripping sweatiness to the Washington Monument. I *may* have bribed with ice cream. We made it.

And then we trudged back to Air & Space, said goodbye to Thea and her crew and headed back to find T at the metro.

The girls really enjoy the metro. Nothing like it exists in our neck of the woods.

We then met up Barb for dinner. I had the most amazing salad of baby spinach, fresh berries, mango, and papaya with grilled chicken on top. So yummy. This was the place!

And then we had to part ways with Barb. Man, I love her. We've been friends for close to 15 years.

The drive out of DC was pretty uneventful. The highlight so far? Driving over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

I love large bodies of water. So peaceful. Sorta like being in the mountains. Maybe that why I love Northern Nevada - mountains and water.

We are almost to Fenwick Island to stay at my aunt's beach house. So excited to lay on the beach in the morning and enjoy getting coated in sea salt.

Until tomorrow!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. One of my favorite places - I'm so glad all you girls got to see some of DC. Fun day!

  2. So glad we could hook up for dinner! Love you!

    (And I can't believe it's almost been 15 years! Yikes. Does that make us old?)

  3. You're making it to the beach a couple of days before me! Enjoy it. Loving all the pics. :)

  4. I loved seeing you today!! And your kids are awesome. Seriously. I hope you post a pic of Sweet Pea's hiney.

  5. DC is on my vacation bucket list. Glad you are having such an awesome time. Hope can relax at the beach. You certainly deserve it after this long road trip.

  6. I am with you on the mountains and oceans. But here I sit in North Dakota. ;p


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