
I'm not sure about you, but adrenaline is an amazing thing.  Life since last September and then more so since January, has been a whirlwind.  I've been going *constantly* with kid activities, eye appointments, church obligations (that are voluntary and I will not be doing them next year), work, training for the half marathon, fundraising for LLS (YAY, I've reached my minimum and have exceeded it), and you know what? I was worn out.  I knew I was worn out.  Even fun things I had scheduled, the thought of doing those things wore me out.

So here I am in week 2 of my schedule lightening up and I'm exhausted every.single.morning.  Usually I can blame it on taking my anti-vertigo drugs too late in the evening (I take them at night because they make me sleepy), but last night I didn't take them because I was up past midnight from a board meeting and working and Sweet Pea had preschool this morning.  I knew if I took the drugs I would be dragging my rear out of bed this morning.  And you know what? I still was dragging my rear out of bed this morning at 7:15.  We leave at 7:45 to get her to school on time.  Luckily I had time to make coffee and get dressed.  Sweet Pea was already dressed and fed because she had gotten up earlier than me.

I did also have to deal with Sass puking in her bed 2 minutes after I realized I *had* to move.  So yay for washing pukey sheets first thing in the morning!  (Poor thing doesn't feel good still, but no more puking.)

So I'm planning on focusing on my tapering runs and not doing anything above and beyond the normal life requirements right now.  I need the break.  And remind me of this feeling when I start to take on too much next fall.


  1. Hey, congrats on reaching - and surpassing! - your fundraising goal! That's awesome! I'm sorry poor Sass isn't feeling so hot. Something seems to be going around, eh? I can well imagine you'd have a crash after all that crazy-hectic scheduling! Hopefully you can start to let go of some of those activities and slow down and RECUPERATE. You'll probably find it easier to do what you do have to do, after you've rested up properly (and let go of what you really don't have to do). Anyway, I'm sending you hugs and lots of positive energy!

  2. Eh. Exhaustion. I know that feeling. I'm sorry you're feeling so run down. Hope you get back on track soon! :)


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