Tell It To Me Tuesday - Fears

My worst fear.  It's family.  It's isolation.  It's emptiness.

How would I cope if I lost those closest to me? How would I react if I lost a child? Or my husband.  Or my parents.  I fear that part of me wouldn't cope.  Wouldn't accept reality.  But my biggest fear within the fear is that I would be criticized for not grieving "right" and this would bring isolation.

I fear being alone.

Tell it to me Tuesdays
Jade is hosting.  Check her out. She's awesome.


  1. I think that is one of my biggest fears too. But I don't think I'm even *afraid* of it because that fear is too big to carry around. Does that make sense?

  2. you'll never be alone - you have far too many people (family, friends, kids :P) surrounding you. but fear is rarely rational.


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