
Sometimes it comes to you when you least expect it.  The struggles we've been having with attitude in the house lately have been overwhelming.  But today I heard.  I really heard.  I needed to hand over control.  My role as a mother is not to control - it's to guide.  I haven't been doing a very good job lately in that regard.  My heart will be happier if I release the control.  My kids will probably have happier hearts and their hearts be more willing to listen to my guidance.  So that's going to be my focus this week.  Less control more guidance.

And I'm sure someone probably mentioned this to me in all my bitching over the last couple of weeks and i didn't hear it until today. 


  1. Lovely. I read a quote sometime last week that really stuck out to me as something I needed to bring into my heart: "Accept life as it is."

    It was part of a larger quote: "Give up coercing, resisting, and struggling. Accept life as it is. Let your trust and connection to self give you direction, rather than your defenses."

    I found it incredibly helpful to realize I had been fighting this moment in my life. It was relieving to let go and accept a sense, forgive this moment for being a trying one. There is grace in that.

    I hope you find some calm too. {{hugs}}

  2. Oh goodness, I struggle with this HOURLY. I'm not kidding...hourly.

    I hope that you are able to do it.

  3. So. Tough. But you are stong enough to do this. I know you can. HUGS.

  4. control freak checking in. give up control will be hard. it'll suck outloud. but it must be done. you're one strong chica - you've totally got this!


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