
Over this last week since The Sisterhood announced their FitBloggin'11 giveaway, I've been having dreams about it.  

The first was had Mel in it.  She entered the vlogging grand prize and WON! I was pissed because she had already bought her ticket and I thought she was just being greedy.  (Thankfully, I know Mel, and she's neither greedy or mean!)

Then there were a couple other ones where I don't remember the details other than I didn't win.  Wait! Now that I think about it, there was one where I *had* won, but for some reason it was revoked.  (Not sure what I did, but it must have been bad for a hooker to have her ticket revoked.)

Bottom line.  I think I *might* want to go to FitBloggin.  Maybe.  Tomorrow's the day, right? RIGHT?


  1. I just posted about a dream I had last night about being late for a race. :) Good luck with the FitBloggin' giveaway!

  2. Good luck! Wish I could go, but it's at the worst possible time for me.

  3. And sometimes dreams come true. Congratulations! You are going to have a blast.

  4. Congrats on your win! LOL about your dream with the greedy me. ;)


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