The Ranch

As many of you know I live in Nevada.  Home of legalized gambling and brothels.  Both of those things don't make me bat an eye as we moved here when I was 11 and, whatever.  It's part of living here.  Though if you don't work in the hospitality sector, you don't see much gambling.  And the brothels are only legal in certain counties.  So, again, you don't or hear much about them in daily life.

On Tuesday Thea sent out a plea on twitter to give her an idea for a blog post and the first suggestion she got, she'd do.  Ryan shouted, as only you can on Twitter, "Hemorrhoids!".  This made me giggle and so I asked for an idea too.  His educated response knowing that I live in Nevada? "The Bunny Ranch".  To which I responded, "actually it's the Moonlite Bunny Ranch."  (Here's where I get a ton of hits on my blog from very disappointed people.)   

Legalized prostitution is a very controversial topic.  When I was in high school, back in the early 90s, a group of my friends and I formed a group at the high school called F.A.T.E. - Fighting Aids Through Education.  It was about promoting safer sex - not that it was really needed because we all know that high schoolers are celibate, right? *snark* The health teacher was our advisor.  We made presentations in various classes, sold red ribbons made out of metal that were made by people who had AIDS to help them earn money, since, at this time, there wasn't the widely-used medicine cocktails that allowed someone with HIV to remain symptomless.  There were many who couldn't work because of their compromised immune systems.

Part of our "training" was provided by the local health department.  Our contact was awesome.  He really provided an education for all of us.  One of the things that I so vividly remember was the talk on the brothels.  Do you know that you're safer to go to a brothel than to have sex with someone in the general population?  The girls in the brothels are screened weekly for diseases, must use condoms and/or other protection, and get blood tests at frequent regular intervals for blood-born contagious diseases.  If they don't follow these rules or turn up with something, they can.not work at the brothel.

So now that I've given you some tidbits of information about the legal brothels in Nevada, let me tell you that I shocked a few people on Twitter.  Because I was close to the "right" end of town and took a short little drive across county lines and took this picture.
You know you're jealous that I live so close. 
Well, at least the guys are jealous.


  1. You turned my post idea into something positive and helpful? OK, I'm beyond impressed! Great work! Feel free to hit me up for an idea any time :)

  2. I had heard about the health screening before. Prostitution is legal in most of Europe, but only regulated in a handful of countries (Netherlands and Germany come to mind). In Belgium, prostitution is legal, but not brothels.

  3. Interesting!! I didn't realize that you were that close to the ranch. :)

  4. And THAT was my school lesson for the day. Say HI to the bunnies for me, lol.

  5. Wow, you fire up Google Reader and get an education in the Nevada sex trade! I love it :) Great job working Ryan's suggestion. And also great job on your AIDS education work back in HS. Most kids would just choose to ignore.

  6. This was a really cool post. Way to take a random idea from Ryan and turn it into something awesome. Love it.

  7. Very cool. YOu know, kind of a ticket to fame, living that close, right!?


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