I have to

I have to blog about this, discretely, but blog I must.  Because I might explode otherwise.

These are the days I want to hand in not only my parent card but my adult card.  I want to be carefree and playing freeze tag or hide and seek.

I have to have a conversation.  One that could be much harder, but a conversation nonetheless.

And do more safeguarding.  Even though it makes me so so so sad.  I must.

And maybe I'll be able to clarify more later.


  1. growing up stinks! I'm turning 35 and have many days that I think about how hard it is to be a grown up!

  2. I'm sorry you are having to deal with anything stressful right now. I'm glad you blogged about it to get it off your chest.

  3. Whatever it is you have to talk about I'm sorry. Being an adult is hard, yo. :(


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