Hopes and Dreams, Dashed


You know how I know it would have been a good move? 
Because I vacillated between wanting to puke and cry and almost did both when I found out it *wasn't* going to happen.  
I'm so sad.  
Sad for the opportunity that won't happen. 
Sad for my husband who desperately need a change of environment. 
Sad for my family that they won't get to have certain experiences.

I know there's a silver lining.  There always is.  
Or at the very least we need to find that open window now that this door is closed. 

I don't want to move across the country. 
I don't want to leave my home. 

But to get to experience this whole other world...
well, it would have been worth it.  


  1. I'm sorry. That sucks. *big hugs*

  2. {{{hugs}}} So sorry it didn't work out for you guys. :(

  3. Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Well, maybe now that you have thought about all this and feel you're open to such a move, maybe another opportunity will present itself.

  4. Aw, crap. I'm so sorry.


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