
Just a short little post here about my amazing weekend in Baltimore for the Fitbloggin'11 conference.

First, I want to thank profusely The Sisterhood for holding the giveaway that allowed me to attend. I *may* need to start saving now for next year just ensure I can go.

It started with a late arrival and an early morning run.

And with lots of awesome in between that I will blog about when I've properly slept. (I do have to share this little bit of awesome though...)

This would be me doing one-armed pushups. That's Andrea Metcalf of Today Show fame in the background who schooled me in proper form. (I was showing up some firefighters that were having a convention at the same hotel.)

Fitbloggin ended with Bari and I taking the shuttle to the airport together.

So much fun was had. I big HUGE puffy heart The Sisterhood and getting to hang with mah hookers again was without a doubt a major highlight in my year. These ladies are amazing. I am so proud to be among their ranks.

MWAH! Love you ladies!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I "luff" you so much & can't wait to see you again in a dew weeks. Shrinking Jeans and Fitbloggin totally rock for bringing all of us together.

    Smooches..."baby you're a firework...."

  2. I can't wait to read all the blog posts from Fitbloggin. I wish I could have been there. One armed push ups!!? You rock girl!!

  3. You totally rock with the one armed push ups :) Can't wait to read all about FitBloggin'!

  4. You are a super star!! One armed push-ups!! WOW!! Can't wait to read all the fab reports from FitBloggin! I will be saving money monthly till next year to ensure I get to go...

  5. I'm so glad you had a good time! I need to hit it next year, as it looks like a blast~ share more when you are caught up!

  6. Dude. You're hardcore. Glad you had so much fun!


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