2011 - A Day in the Life - week 33

Sunday 8/14
Found this quote in a book and fell in love with it. 

Monday 8/15

My post workout protein shake. 
Chocolate protein powder, a banana, and milk. 

Tuesday 8/16

Chocolate cupcake with peanut butter frosting and half of a mini Reece's in the top. 
Starbucks made my evening. 

Wednesday 8/17

This is the fence in our front yard.  I love the colors in the lichen.

Thursday 8/18

A book of Peanuts comics.  
Love that my 10yo still finds joy in comics. 

Friday 8/19

I love this girl.  She drives me a bit crazy some days, but this smile? 
Is true and real.  

Saturday 8/20

A picture from our 11.4-mile hike on the Tahoe Rim Trail.  
It was hard, and dirty, and so needed.  
Give me fresh mountain air and some water off in the distance? 
I'm a happy girl. 
I had a great hiking/running partner in T. 


  1. I love that quote! The rest of the pictures & thoughts are great too. I hope you do an entire post of pictures from your hike!


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