2011 - A Day in the Life - week 43

Sunday 10/23
Excuse the dustiness of my clock. 
This is what the time was right before I passed out. 
It's notable because I'm never in bed before 11. 

Monday 10/24

This was the awesome wallet/clutch that was from Diana for 
#vegasbaby weekend. I love it!

Tuesday 10/25

This was the sky as we walked out of the pool.  
Love sunsets over mountains. 

Wednesday 10/26

Purchased for Meegan and #ICE 
(international candy exchange)

Thursday 10/27

She looks a little more vampirish with her pasty white-girl skin, huh? 

Friday 10/28

Thin Mints.  From my freezer. 
They were earned and enjoyed. 

Saturday 10/29

I am so proud of this girl!! She rocked her meet.  
Placing 1st or 2nd in all events and 1st in the all-around. 


  1. Great pictures & congrats again to B!

  2. i was all set to say something about the thin mints, but then i saw your awesome all-around champ! way to go!

  3. Yay for thin mints! Yum
    Awesome job on those medals!


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