2012 - A Day in the Life - Week 9

Sunday 2/26
My quiet afternoon. 

Monday 2/27

A new beginning. Reading up. 

Tuesday 2/28

Puzzle day with Sweet Pea.  

Wednesday 2/29

It was Science Fair night!

Thursday 3/1

I love the mountains when they are snowy. 
I could have done without the 25+ mph wind gusts though. 

Friday 3/2

Margarita with dinner out. 

Saturday 3/3

I love when she falls asleep on me at bedtime.  
I'm going to miss it when she finally grows out of this stage. 


  1. that just a good week, all around.

  2. Soak up those cuddles!!! My newly-turned 7 year old always USED to snuggle up with me on the couch, but now she prefers the couch across the room. I pretend I'm okay with it, but... WAAAHH!!


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