Shakespeare On The Beach

Last night Tim and I celebrated our 10-year anniversary. The date was back in April, but he was gone for training. His dad and step-mom gave us some money, so I bought tickets to the annual Shakespeare festival up at the lake. The stage is on the beach with the lake as a backdrop. It really is a gorgeous way to spend the evening. We saw A Midsummer's Night Dream. I know I have seen the play before, but it had been a while and I have never actually read that play. So, my memory of the play was spotty. But it was so relaxing just to be and enjoy each other's company and not feel like we had to race home to relieve my parents (our babysitters). But because we were watching a play and there was a 30-45 minte drive home afterwards, I didn't feel the race last night. We packed a picnic dinner and enjoyed some wine. We got home just after 11, kissed the kids, and went to bed. All in all, a perfect evening. Here are a couple of pictures from our evening.

Here's a picture of the stage with the lake behind it from our seats.

The person sitting next to us nicely took our picture. (I was futzing with our camera and found that I can take black and white pictures. Who knew?!)

A couple of pine trees just to the right of the stage.

The same trees after dark. (I was also able to get my little camera to this, which I didn't know it could do! It's amazing the things you can figure out when there aren't 3 little hoodlums talking your ear off. Your brain can actually function like a normal person!)


  1. what a wonderful way to spend an anniversary. The pics are great and I'm about as camera-illiterate as you! Just put me on auto, baby-don't get too technical. Anyway, thanks for your advice on the shirt. I really think I'll hold on to it for a few more days, weeks, months!!!!

  2. Yay! Beautiful setting. LOVE the silhouette of the trees!


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