White Trash Bash

Just a couple of pictures of me and my girls with way too much blue eye shadow, but I think with the title of the party, it was needed.


  1. way too cute!!! ;-)

  2. Thanks for coming by Clare. The girls are looking forward to seeing you next month.

  3. Love the Barbie tucked under the arm and the smeared lipstick. In a few years, she'll be trading the cammies for a tutu and wearing just as much blue eyeshadow for her first dance recital. Maybe?

  4. Aerie, I'm not a girlie girl, so I'm hoping to not have too much more girliness in my life. Tutu's might put me over the edge! My older 2 both do gymnastics. They have expressed an interest in dance, but there isn't really a good program where we are, and I'm not driving 45 minutes with gas at $4+ a gallon for dance class!


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