An Aspect Not Addressed


Okay, I'm coming back to this video. This video was posted to one of Tim's friend's from the guard facebook page. Tim's friend is obviously not of my political ideology; although, as I mentioned in a previous post, that fact does not preclude someone from my list of friends.

I'm not even sure if this is going to be coherent or not, but I'm going to try. As we sit and remember what happened 7 years ago today, I am reminded of what my thoughts were at the time. Tim was active duty at the time, and I had a personal fear that he would have to go and be a part of the retribution for this act of terrorism, but at the same time I knew that who ever flew these planes into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon had to be dealt with. This was not acceptable. Once it was connected to Osama bin Ladin and the troops were headed to Afghanistan, I was content that we would defend our honor as a country. When about a year later there was talk about Iraq and Sadaam Hussein being linked to Al Quaida, something didn't sit right with me. I didn't have much faith in GWB, but I did have faith in Colin Powell. Unfortunately Powell got screwed in the process of defending the reasoning behind going to war with Iraq.

We know people who have been to Iraq. And this video is on par with what I have heard from them. Even if going into Iraq didn't turn up the WMD the Bush administration said existed, they felt personally that they did help the Iraqi people they had contact with.

This is the dilemma I think we have as people who oppose the war in Iraq. How do you justify being against the war but still supporting the troops? Especially when those troops have seen the good they have done for individuals. They are making a difference, and I believe soldiers who feel this way, as the man did in the video, are insulted that politicians (especially Obama who never supported the war in Iraq) and other citizens see no value in what he did.

I understand their point of view. They feel devalued in something that they found personal satisfaction doing. Some, I'm sure, didn't feel this way when they first deployed, but after living that life, they were changed.

I know that as a military wife I will always support the military and their families. They have enough hardships, especially in times likes these, for us to unknowingly hurt them and make them feel that the citizens of our country don't believe in them and what they do. I wholeheartedly defend my position that we never should have been in Iraq in the first place because I believe the administration was only after oil. The positive side is that our troops have accomplished so much more with the people of Iraq. The byproduct of the humanitarian side of the mission has made a difference in both American troops' and Iraqi's lives. This should not and cannot be discounted because it has value, and somehow we need to make sure Americans understand that.

I can't figure out how to embed video, so here's the link. I want to talk about this because coming from a military point of view I have a perspective on this and I think those of us pro-Obama need to acknowledge this sentiment.


  1. I agree that they have done some good. And I am grateful, so grateful for their sacrifice.

    But they are not fighting the war that we, the American People were sold on. THAT war, finding Osama Bin Laden, and punishing the terrorists, THAT war has been forgotten.

    THIS war needs to end. Thank you for your service. Come home soon.

  2. anniemq - I agree that we aren't fighting the war that we thought we were going to fight. I am not disputing that. I just know that not acknowledging what those individuals HAVE done makes them feel like we, Americans, don't care about THEM.

    I've been thinking about this, and the only thing I can think to compare it to is Palin making fun of Obama's "community organizing" past. Palin devalued what he did and we despise her for that. I don't want our troops (especially guard troops who come home to a civilian world) to feel like their friends died/were wounded for nothing and we don't care. By sticking to the mantra of "it was wrong" and leaving it at that, we devalue them and their belief that they are making a difference.

    Last night in talking with my husband about all of this, he said that there are 150,000+ troops over "in the desert" right now. If we make them feel ostracized, then we (as supporters of Obama) lose the possibility of their vote in November.

  3. I would never, ever want any service member to think that I don't value their work or their sacrifice. They've given everything for their country, and I think that they have made that part of the world safer and better. I admire them, I support them, and I honor the job they have done.

    It's their leaders that I have an issue with. And I agree with you 100% that Obama needs to address it.

  4. Thanks for clarifying! :)

    And your twitter? "The current administration is not worth of them." Perfect! Even my DH said so!


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