Apple Hill

Yesterday we took a trip to Apple Hill. It's a small community of orchards and vineyards where you can pick your own fruit. We had a good time. One of the farms is run by a former teacher who has opened up his land for educational tours. Did you know that just about any grape that you will find in the stores are given some sort of growth hormones to make them as plump and big as they are? Even the organic ones - they are just given a "made by nature" growth hormone. We bought grapes from him that he picked off his vines that morning. Absolutely delicious!

Here is B holding one variety of pumpkin that is white. Don't remember what this one is called though because I had a sleeping 2yo on my hands which made listening very difficult for me!

Here's M holding the same pumpkin.

The farmer's son also raises chickens for the eggs and sells them for profit to get his college fund going. This was one of the baby chickens that S thought was "the cutest thing". They reminded me a group of puppies. They were very curious and would come over to the fence and then one of them would get startled and they would all run away tripping over each other. Makes me want to have a couple of chickens for the fresh eggs.

Here's S holding the same white pumpkin as M and B.

Here's the rooster. S really like him. He wasn't shy, but I guess as the lone rooster of the farm he rules the roost! (Ha! Roost! I make myself laugh).

We picked apples and brought a bunch home. Not sure what I'm going to do with all of them. I'm thinking something easy like applesauce. I did buy a fresh, homemade dutch apple pie. I figured I'd invite some friends and family over to help me eat it. I kid you not, it's almost 6 inches deep at the center of pie. I can't wait!!


  1. My brother and sister-in-law live in an old farm house. They have about 10 chickens - each of the girls has one that they're supposed to take care of. They give my parents some of the eggs, so I always have to have eggs for breakfast at least once while I'm home - they are the yummiest eggs.

  2. Barb, I'm so jealous! I really would like to have a couple of chickens, but I think we are in and out of town just often enough they wouldn't like us. And I have enough trouble getting someone to come and check on the cats! Who wants to check on chickens?!


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