Fall Festival and Traveling Husband

Last night I took both M and B to our local Girl Scout service unit's Fall Festival. B is in her second year of Brownies and M just had her first Daisy meeting last week. (Daisies are the step below Brownies.) Essentially all the Girl Scout troops in our area get together for a night of food, games, and fun. For $5 a person you get a "meal" of a hot dog, bag of chips, homemade cookie, and a drink. Then the various troops have booths that range from face painting, crafts, and games like the ring toss. This year as well as last year they had a bounce house. I have yet to find a kid who doesn't like bouncing!

I left S at home with dad. Last year Tim was out of town and having the little one was exhausting for me. Not to mention that they were all younger so I didn't really want them totally running off without me. This year the forum was a little bigger. They rented out a much bigger facility, so there was more room to run. With S at home, I actually got to talk to some adults! Weird, I know! M and B ran around with their friends, some they haven't seen in a while due to school starting. They had a blast and didn't want to leave. I am a horrible mother and didn't even take my camera with me, so I have no pictures to share.

Can I just say that even though I have made the choice to school at home with my girls and I love them to pieces and wouldn't change a thing, there is something to be said for letting them run free and not have to worry about them. Heaven. I'm so glad I get to be around them more often than not, but I have no problem letting them have their space in appropriate places.

I am planning with one of my friends to go and have a whole day to us. Her husband travels quite a bit too. We are planning on shopping, dining, and spending the night at the lake with a couple bottles of wine and no kids to wake us up in the morning. I can't wait. Unfortunately, I have to wait longer than I was planning because Tim is leaving again next Friday. His whole unit has a training exercise in Michigan, so he will be gone for 10 days, come back for 4 and then leave again for his drill weekend up in Idaho.

Sometimes I have to laugh about him not being around, because otherwise I might cry. It's ironic, when he was active duty, he was around so much more on a whole than he has been since he got out. I think part of it is because he had shorter work days when he was on base. When he had TDY's, he was gone totally, so it was sort of all or nothing. Part of that, too, has to do with the fact that he travels some for his "regular" job and then he tops that off with the trips he has to take for the Guard.

The separation helps us make the effort to stay in touch and to be connected. I wonder if we would have the relationship we do now if he didn't travel. Would we want to kill each other from being around each other day in and day out. I would hope not, but as it is now we try to make the best of the time we do spend together because you just never know when a trip will pop up. I'm just thankful that we usually "play well together" and work as a team as well as we do. I couldn't do this family thing without him!


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