No Words To Describe

how this makes me feel.

But I do know that I like what is said here.


  1. I like you am frustrated with the fact that I spend many hours away from home to fight for life, liberty and the pursuite of happiness for all, but all I see btwn the parties are threats, negative adds, and agendas that don't fit the the agenda of our family and the values we are passing on to our children(especially from the current Administration). My hope is that Obama will have a strong set of military adavisors who will correct the depolorable situation the current adaministration has put the military. We can not do more with less any more. There is no more to cut, programs are in shambles, there is not enough staff and yet the all volunteer force fights on. That is honor and true and dedication to our country and I am proud to be part of it. TDM


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