Obama in Reno

I dragged the girls out of the house at 6 am to go stand in line to see Obama in Reno this morning. The man does not disappoint. The energy there was amazing. We were fairly close - only about 100 feet away from the podium - which considering there were estimates of 12,000 in attendance, is pretty close.

Here are a few pictures of our morning - which included 3 tired girls, lots of people, a walk uphill back to the truck and ended with a lunch at McDonald's (which was the requested menu by above-mentioned girls who were very patient).

Here are M and S sitting on the curb waiting for the gates to open.

B and S waiting for gate to open.

The backdrop for the speech.

The man himself. (Excuse my cheap $100 camera pictures!)

Obama again.

I am glad I went. I'm exhausted, we are having my parents and a friend over for dinner tonight, and I haven't started work yet. I see lots of coffee in my future!


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