
Showing posts from October, 2008

Word Press Trial

Head over here. Thinking about making this one permanent since they actually had my title available. Still need to tinker with things and figure WordPress out, but I've been on there long enough, and I'm supposed to be working.


I was stunned by what McCain alluded to regarding abortion last night in the debate. So much so that I actually barely caught what he said, in between shushing kids. Many others have summed up my feelings. Here's one. Here's another. I am going to try and add my 2 cents. It makes me sad that there are so many people out there who are so set against something that it doesn't occur to them the reality of the "whys". Many say that the "why" doesn't matter, but it does. It matters so deeply to the person who is making that life choice. This doesn't revolve just around abortion. You can say the same thing about marriage. Why do people choose divorce? I personally can't fathom getting a divorce, just as I can't fathom getting an abortion. For me, these are situations that I can't fathom experiencing. Does that mean that someone else hasn't had a life experience different than my own? Does it mean that everyone else is capable of making...

Never Gonna Let You Down

This video really confused me. Can't figure out why the McCain campaign would put this together, because, really, I don't think the American people could ever be as disappointed in a President Obama as they have been with President Bush.

Race For the Cure

This morning we awoke before the sun, put on layers of clothes and head off for the annual Race for the Cure. This was our 4th year doing it. We went for the first time 5 years ago because almost 6 years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. (We missed going 2 years ago due to moving.) She got the results of the biopsy on Christmas Eve. Sassafrass was just a month old and we were back in NV for Christmas. It was an emotional time. Mom went through chemo and radiation. I made at least 2 road trips between Idaho and Nevada with 2 kids in tow on my own when my mom was due for chemo. I wanted to be here for her and to do some of the cooking and cleaning along with being a PIA - reminding her to drink her fluids and to eat even when she didn't really feel like it. So Race for the Cure means something to me. It reminds me that we are not invincable. It reminds me of my own mortality and how people my age have been diagnosed and died from breast cancer. My mom, as a survivor, gets ...

The New Yorker on Obama and McCain

This article via bitchphd . This paragraph about McCain spoke to me: The longer the campaign goes on, the more the issues of personality and character have reflected badly on McCain. Unless appearances are very deceiving, he is impulsive, impatient, self-dramatizing, erratic, and a compulsive risk-taker. These qualities may have contributed to his usefulness as a maverick senator. But in a president they would be a menace. As did this final one about Obama: We cannot expect one man to heal every wound, to solve every major crisis of policy. So much of the Presidency, as they say, is a matter of waking up in the morning and trying to drink from a fire hydrant. In the quiet of the Oval Office, the noise of immediate demands can be deafening. And yet Obama has precisely the temperament to shut out the noise when necessary and concentrate on the essential. The election of Obama—a man of mixed ethnicity, at once comfortable in the world and utterly representative of twenty-first-century Am...

McCain plagerizes Bush

This is quite eye opening to me. Found here.


Seriously. Watch this .

New Names

Okay, so I finally got more creative with the names in my world. I made a little cheat sheet over on the side for reference. Hopefully that will make it easier for me and any of the 5 readers I may have! But I'm lazy, so I'm not going to go back and change any of my previous posts. I considered it...for half a second...and decided to maintain my status quo of being lazy. (Even though no one else is allowed to say it because I would be insulted!) (And I'm not really lazy, but I do like to do things with the least amount of energy expended for any given task - which doesn't affect quality, I promise.)