Race For the Cure

This morning we awoke before the sun, put on layers of clothes and head off for the annual Race for the Cure.

This was our 4th year doing it. We went for the first time 5 years ago because almost 6 years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. (We missed going 2 years ago due to moving.) She got the results of the biopsy on Christmas Eve. Sassafrass was just a month old and we were back in NV for Christmas. It was an emotional time. Mom went through chemo and radiation. I made at least 2 road trips between Idaho and Nevada with 2 kids in tow on my own when my mom was due for chemo. I wanted to be here for her and to do some of the cooking and cleaning along with being a PIA - reminding her to drink her fluids and to eat even when she didn't really feel like it.

So Race for the Cure means something to me. It reminds me that we are not invincable. It reminds me of my own mortality and how people my age have been diagnosed and died from breast cancer.

My mom, as a survivor, gets a few perks. One is close parking to the event. This year she actually ended up with 2 "survivor parking pass"es. She offered one to me because of the girls. I declined her offer. I felt that taking advantage of that would be giving karma a shove...and I like to promote positive/good karma out into the world, not bad!

I am so proud of my mom and that we get to walk together in support of an organization that helps so many women all over the country get access to screening and medical care that they might not have otherwise along with just plain old raising awareness.

Remember, knowledge is power!

I meant to bring the camera and I forgot, so I don't have any pictures of my girls in their oversized "Race" T-shirts walking the 5K. Next year, I promise!


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