2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 2

January 10

Sweet Pea bowling for the very first time.

January 11

This is an old sign in town. My hometown has grown up so much in the past 20 years.
Signs like this help me to remember life before it was busy.

January 12

This is a SOOC shot of dawn from my porch.
And because I can. Here is shot #2 from the 12th.

We had some awesome clouds this week. This was taken from a different part of town.

January 13

My gymnast strapped to the bar at practice.

January 14

I know there's a lot of scenery, but I love being able to take a decent picture of the every day stuff that catches my eye.  And this tree with the backdrop of the mountains? Beautiful to me.

January 15

I am so proud to be a part of Team In Training.
Team Shrinking Jeans is a Team who will Endure and Achieve and it Matters to us.

January 16

Sweet Pea and I painted pottery on our Mommy & Me weekend.


  1. All fabulous for different reasons but I really like the gymnast pic and the one with the big tree. Nice shots lady! : )

  2. When did Sweet Pea get a haircut??? And I LOVE the tree and the one of Smarty Pants!

  3. such wonderful pictures! I love the bowling one. Just found your blog through You Capture (still working up my nerve to join in).


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