2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 3

January 17

My cat Pumpkin. She does not always look this angry.

January 18

That's a lot of lines in case you were wondering.
I haven't done close to 1000 lines in a day in probably a year.

January 19

Two of the three rings I wear every day.

January 20

The Boyd's Bear statue that my mom gave us after SmartyPants was born.

January 21

The "lifesaver" at the pool.
(taken during Sass' swim lesson)

January 22

"Proof that the girls don't put things away."
Otherwise titled
"Proof that mom didn't yell at them to put their stuff away"

January 23

What I spent my weekend doing.
It was quite fruitful.  29 pages to be exact.


  1. love the ring picture...such delpth

  2. Pumpkin made me giggle. Really? She doesn't always look that angry? :)

  3. can I say I'm jealous about the last pic?


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