
As I got to finally sit down and spend a little time with the laptop catching up on twitter and blogs for the first time really since the middle of last week, I realized that Melissa tagged me and gave me this little gem.


You see this last week or so I have been trying my darndest and struggling to appreciate the good in my life and not let the drudgery get me down.  So I think I need this - desperately.

As always, there are instructions:

1. Copy the image and display it on your blog.
2. List 10 things that make you happy.
3. Try to do at least one of them today.
4. Pass on the award to 10 bloggers who brighten your day.

So here I go.  

  1. I am happy that Sass, my 7yo, enjoys skiing so much that even with cold temps and blowing snow she wanted to go back out on the slopes after lunch by herself for a couple more runs. 
  2. I am happy that I live near the mountains so my girls can grow up skiing. 
  3. I'm happy that I have a job and I work at home so I can spend the good and the bad days with the girls.
  4. I am happy that I have such a hard-working husband who sacrifices for us.
  5. I am happy that I am healthy enough to have run my best 10K time yesterday at 51:43. And hopefully will continue to be healthy while I train for and run a half marathon in June as part of Team in Training.  (In case you missed it, my donation button is over there on the right.  Help a girl out!!)
  6. I am happy that I have friends and my family.
  7. I am thrilled that I have met so many wonderful people through this blog and twitter.  I miss you guys when I'm not around these parts. 
  8. I am happy that my family and friends are healthy.  
  9. I am happy that I am lucky enough to have a full fridge of food even I want nothing in it.
  10. I am so very happy to be who I am.  
So, now.  Who should I pass this on to?  Hmmm.  10 people huh?

3. Jade
4. Thea
6.  Lisa
9. Barb
10. Zakary

So ladies, give up the happiness and joy.  I need to be reading it today because I'm not feeling joyful or happy this afternoon! 


  1. Your 10K time seriously rocks!! I'm proud of you!

    I hope you start feeling some happy, like NOW!


  2. happy to be who you are...that's a big one! i think i may be even more jealous of that then your 10K time!!

  3. How fun - what a great list. I will have to do this next week. Maybe I can be extra Happy after finally losing a pound or so... ;-)

  4. I'm happy for who you are, too!

  5. Like your list. I too, feel blessed to get to stay home with the kids. Kudos to the hubs.

    A question for you too - I'd love for my kids to grow up skiing. At what age would you recommend I get them started?


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