It's Friday!

I am so happy that it's Friday, but at the same time, I'm not.  I'm happy it's Friday because I am going to  scrapbooking marathon weekend that starts tonight.  I get to look at pictures of my adorable children but not have to listen to the whining!  I get to have adult conversation, and here's the key. It will be uninterrupted adult conversation.

I'm not happy it's Friday because I have work that will need to be done over the weekend for the paying job.  I also have to figure out how to tie a dang knot on a rosary so the beads don't fall off.  (I'm having my CCD kids make their own rosaries.  I think it will mean a bit more if they make them with their own little hands.)

My parents are going out of town next Tuesday for two weeks!  What am I going to do with my kids? They need some Gramma and Poppy time! And on top if it T will be gone for 7 of those 14 days.  So after this weekend I'm looking at a lot of time juggling.

And I just looked at the calendar and realized that my board meeting that was rescheduled for next Tuesday is one of the days T will be gone.  So I either get to hire a babysitter and hope that one of their parents can pick them up, or I get to be a part of a meeting on the phone with the monsters fighting in the background.  Oh joy. And I have yet to go over my board package yet.  *grumble*

Sweet Pea started her vision therapy yesterday and got her first set of homework to do.  Which is awesome, but that means I have another thing to accomplish on my list every day.

So even though my weekend should be relaxing, I have a laundry list of things that I SHOULD be doing instead.  And what I am doing now instead of getting a jump start on all of that? (Aside from poking and prodding the kids to do their school work?) I'm blogging and tweeting instead of folding the mound of laundry on the couch.  So before I make myself cry the tears of being overwhelmed, I'm going to step away from the computer and fold some laundry...after I drink a big glass of water because today is a run day.

Can anyone put in a good word with whoever controls time? I sure could use a few extra hours every day until mid February.  K, thanks.


  1. woot for adult conversation and time away!!! :)

    sorry, can't help ya with the rosary not.

    there will be no overwhelmedness. there can't be. you've got too much on your plate for the whole crying, crawl into bed and pretend like the world doesn't exist thing. i did that last weekend and it didn't go anywhere.

    you rock - even if you didn't come up with your 5 reasons home work. you are too awesome to be stressed!!!

  2. oops, i mean knot. and i think i spelled rosary wrong too. sorry.

  3. Oh you are going to have a busy few weeks. Wish I had some words of wisdom to pass along, but I'll say a prayer for your sanity! Hugs!


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