It's Monday

And good lawd it feels like it.  The 3/5 of the family that was gone for the weekend is now back.  And it's like they never left.  So, I'm going to put on my optimistic, happy hat and make this list.

  1. I am planning on taking deep breaths so as to not raise my voice anymore with the kids.  
  2. I am planning on not going insane with adding Sweet Pea's vision therapy to my schedule this Thursday.
  3. I am planning on getting my runs in despite how crazy busy this week is going to be.
  4. I am planning on drinking more water.  No specific goal, but more than I have been.
  5. I am planning on taking the kids skiing tomorrow.  I'm hoping the weather isn't too blustery and snowy so they can have a good lesson.
  6. I am planning on looking at my board package BEFORE the weekend.
  7. I am planning on doing my best to not be overwhelmed after my relaxing weekend of being a single mother to one.
Do you have a plan this week?


  1. My plan? Hmmm...just trying to make progress in all the areas of life that are important to me right now. From my teacher training, I know that such vague objectives mean I'm unlikely to make any real strides....

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog last week and for your sweet comment--it's good to be missed :) Sorry I haven't been over here in awhile. I got really behind, too.

    Good luck juggling things this week--it looks like a busy one!

  2. Good luck with your plan and your training! I haven't made a plan yet for this week. Mostly because it ends with a long awaited girls' trip. So no need for motivation, right?

  3. Yep! The plan is to survive the next two days so I can go to Denver on Thursday! Yay!

  4. I love this idea! Putting the plan out there for the world to see (or my 5 readers?! LOL) Talk about accountability.

    This week my plan has been to make it through. Lots of deep breaths. :-)


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