Monday, Monday, Monday

Didn't I just write one of these Monday posts?  Oh yeah. I think I did it last Tuesday.  (And shh, I'm technically writing this Sunday night. Don't tell!)

  1. I'm planning on finding last minute supplies for rosary making on Monday rather than on Tuesday an hour before CCD. 
  2. I'm planning on working as much as I can given my time constraints and sleep requirements.
  3. I'm planning on running 3 days this week (I  might get one in on Sunday, but don't hold your breath.)
  4. I'm planning on doing week 3 of  
  5. I'm planning on remembering this "A-Ha" post. I will need to with T traveling 2 days this week and my parents leaving town on Tuesday for two weeks.
  6. I'm planning on enjoying the RCIA retreat Friday night through Saturday evening with T.
So what are your plans?  


  1. we started week three of the pushup/squat/sit up challenge today before my run. hopefully i can use you to be accountable to staying on track.


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