Monday Planning

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I'm a date late and probably a lot of dollars short.  So, because Tiffany went ahead and did her planning post and linked to me, I suppose I should play along with my own game.

  1. I'm planning on doing all the work in my que whether or not I want to.  (Dang kids using up all our money!)
  2. I plan on running 3 days this week.  (I've already done one.)
  3. I'm starting this plan of working up to 100 push-ups consecutively.  They will be done on my run days.  
  4. I plan on getting the kids to all their activities on time and be happy about doing it.
  5. I plan on enjoying myself thoroughly at Bunco Wednesday night - before I come home and work for 3-4 hours (ugh).  
  6. I plan on getting Sass ready to go to Boise this weekend with T.  (I don't get to go. T decided Sunday to go. I can't take the time off of work on such short notice. Suck.)
I think that's a good list since today is Tuesday.  Anyone else?


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