Tell It To Me Tuesday - Smelly Memories

So I guess I'm feeling spunky this evening because that's not exactly what Jade had in mind, but I thought that would be a fun a title.  And when you find out what my "smell" is, the title will seem appropriate.  And I wasn't sure until I started pondering what smell really took me back in time.

There are two different colognes that trigger certain memories from high school.  I hate that I love Preferred Stock cologne.  It is such a drug store cologne, but it reminds me of my first boyfriend, and it smelled so damn good on him.  Obession reminds me of T in high school - before he thought I was cool enough to date.  (*wink wink*, T)  Yes, I will admit to owning my own bottle of both of these just so I could get a whiff when I was missing them (at different stages in my life, of course!)

But the one smell that takes me back as far as toddlerhood is the smell of tobacco.  That may sound like a weird scent to have nostalgia about, but my dad smoked a pipe until I was 9.  This was the exact brand and "flavor".

(I had no idea the name of it, but google image search is amazing!)  He usually bought it in cans which when empty my mom repurposed into toy holders decorated with colorful shelf paper.  So I remember opening cans to play with little plastic animals and smelling that smell.  It brings comfort feeling of peace.  Which is funny because I can NOT stand the smell of burning tobacco.  Pipe smoke is the least offensive, but they are all pretty disgusting, but even the tobacco in a cigarette smells good before it's lit.  

So if you are interested in joining this little trip down memory lane.  Join Jade here.


  1. Hi there,
    That's funny that our smells are similar but different too. I understand where you are with the cologne smells although some of them bring back memories of not so nice boys! I'm impressed your mum made little toy boxes from those - so creative!

  2. That's an awesome story! I remember the boys I had crushes on in high school almost all wore "Cool Waters". I loved the smell then - it makes my stomach turn now...
    My dad used to wear "Old Spice" when I was really little. He wears much fancier cologne now, and has for years, but it's funny. "Old Spice" is the one I really remember.


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