You Capture - Love in the Home


This week's challenge from Beth was a little hard.  It's been a crazy week.  And I was busy trying to make sure I took pictures every day to post on my weekly post of pictures from the previous week that I forgot what the challenge was.  So this evening after getting done with work I took a stroll through the office/school room.

This is sand art courtesy of Sass. She made it when she was just barely 3 at preschool. Her teacher was a saint.  She had eight 2-3-year-olds in the class at the time.  They actually colored the sand with chalk and slowly filled the bottles.  They were given to us parents for Christmas that year.  This is a reminder to me of what little ones are capable of if given the opportunity and proper direction.  The amazing thing to me is that Sass never mentioned this surprise.

This isn't the best picture, but it is a collection of dust catchers, aka knick-knacks. Most of these came from T's mom.  We sort of inherited them after she passed away.  They are sitting on the same piece of furniture that they sat on in her house.  I am thankful to her for her unconditional love towards me and for trusting that I would be there for T after she was gone.

This last one is one of my favorites.  They are two little clay sculptures of "wild cats" - one mom and one kitten.  This depicts love to me because T's step-mom found them and thought of me. There was a little card that came with them (which has since been walked off with my sticky fingers).  The essence of the card was that this mom wildly protects her young.  T's step-mom thought of me and my strength in convictions about what I believe in for my girls.  This was so touching.  We've had our difficulties in the past with T's step-mom and dad and this was a defining moment for me in our relationship.

While downloading pictures I also found this one from the past week, and how could it not represent the love in my home.

Oh my!  She is too sweet.  I love this girl with all my heart.  My baby is definitely not a baby anymore, but every time I look at her, I think of the love that fills my heart for my kids.  (Even if I want to knock them around every once in a while!)


  1. The sand in the bottle is so pretty! I'm so impressed Sass could do that at 3! And I love the bear collection. It's so warm, cozy and inviting. It looks really homey. I actually love the picture just the way it is.

  2. Great photos! I love the sand in the bottle and the cats.

  3. I love how peaceful sleeping children look. I always wonder if I look that peaceful when I sleep...

  4. Great shots! :) Kids are always so cute when they are sleeping!

  5. Great pictures! I don't have many pictures of my kiddos sleeping. I regret that.

  6. Love the sleeping babe - and she will always be a baby to you! So sweet!

  7. I love the stories behind all of your captures, but my favorite is the wild cats from your stepmom. Wonderful!

  8. so sweet....I love the verbage behind them all. So much meaning! She really is too cute!

  9. Great pictures. I always LOVEd my kids most when they were asleep LOL

  10. too sweet is right. there's nothing like a child sleeping. you gotta love boyds bears. ;)

  11. I love seeing everyone's photos this's taking a little peek inside their home and seeing what kinds of things they enjoy. It's a great way to get to know people. :) I love your post! My favorite picture was the one of the Boyds Bears figurines. I collect teddy bears (and my collection collects dust). ;) Great post!

  12. Nice pictures with lots of love in the narrative. My favorite? The sand art photo. Very subtle but beautiful colors.

  13. I really like the sand in the bottle. Such a lovely gift. Great captures this week!

  14. Oh I almost cried at that sweet, sleeping girl! So precious! And I love the sand art. Just beautiful, the story and the colors...

  15. I just love the sandart... and your little one is so sweet. How could one not love such as that?!

  16. I love the sand art - and seriously - 3 years old? I don't think I could have followed instructions like that at 3, OR kept it a secret! :)


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