You Capture - My Winter

My winter.  Well I have to say that my winter has been odd this year.  For one, we got a big snow storm before Christmas and there is still snow lingering in my front yard.  That never happens.  Part of the reason is because we then had a month of not getting above freezing, which is totally atypical for these parts.  And then once it warmed up, there was no sun.  It finally peaked out yesterday for the first time in I don't know how long.  It has been warm enough that it has been raining.  Did you know I live in Nevada?  We don't see much rain around these parts.  But here is a little glimpse of what winter has been like in the past week in Northern Nevada.

The gray, cloudiness was the status quo for way too long.  But I like the contrast in these two pictures. These were taken in the parking lot of Target.

I love the lighting in this one. Well I love the mountains too!

One of the many beautiful tree-lined streets in town.

Okay, yes I boosted the color in this one, but that rainbow was too beautiful not to make it bigger and brighter than it already was. I only wish I had a wide angle lens because this was a full rainbow and was amazing! (Yes, I took this picture while driving. No accidents resulted in my capturing this rainbow.)

Check out the other entries in Beth's You Capture challenge.



  1. That rainbow is so cool: I feel like if you can get a photo of a rainbow it's like finding a four leaf clover! Love your shots- Nevada's weather is so different from what I am experiencing here in the Northeast, but still so lovely to photograph, great job!

  2. Those pictures are incredible! I love going from the grey to the rainbow; what a beautiful contrast!

  3. I love the rainbow picture. Boosting the colour was a wise decision :)

  4. What a pretty neighborhood you live in. I love that there is still some color there. It's very gray here.
    Speaking of color... that rainbow is gorgeous!

  5. The rainbow and the tree-lined streets make me want to move by you!

  6. Beautiful shots!! Love the tree lined shot... the sky goes on forever!!

  7. How beautiful! The rainbow is amazing! And that shot of the mountains is great!

  8. It's so great to see what winter looks like all over. I love the first shot and the rainbow. I couldn't imagine seeing a rainbow around here this time of year!

  9. So you will be in San Diego for the Rock N Roll Half? I love your rainbow pic and the tree lined street pic! We went to Las Vegas a few weeks ago to take our eldest to see snow at Mt Charleston. Now every night he prays that Jesus will send us snow in San Diego, LOL!

  10. Love the birdie, love the tree-lined street, love the rainbow! All awesome!!

  11. The rainbow is gorgeous - even if you DID enhance. And I also liked the tree lined streets. :)

  12. Oh I just love the bird one! Great job!

  13. I love that one street as well. Makes me long for the states! Imagine that with snow..... yep, can see it!

  14. I especially love those last 2. Thanks so much for visiting my blog.
    I also love the star shaped ones. And the funny thing is they are those nasty stickers. God made them beautiful for a day. :)

  15. the color is magnificent. no apologies.

  16. I hate gray skies. That is how it is here for many, many months.

    Love the rainbow!!


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