2010 - A Day in the Life - week 6

February 7

February 8
The nail clippers that always seem to disappear.

February 9

My parents were at WDW and brought Sweet Pea back some ears.

February 10

My bunco winnings! 
(I always love winning booze!)

February 11

Snack Time!!

February 12

State Capitol 

February 13

I love this picture. Sass and SmartyPants are having so much fun! TOGETHER!
(Scheels in-store ferris wheel)


  1. Thanks for posting such a fun picture from your trip to Scheels. We love seeing kids having a great time on our Ferris Wheels! Hope to see you again soon!

  2. I love that wine glass! And the last pic is too cute!

  3. That last one is great. And anyone who can make a shot of nail clippers look so interesting, now, that's talent! (Love the green tile!) =>

  4. what a beautiful picture of your girls...thats a keeper!


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