I need this bag

Right before the New Year I had Tiffany as my personal online shopper.  She picked me out a pair of winter boots that I love.  Mind you she sent me probably 50+ links of boots and I narrowed the options down to the pair I liked best.  After I made my choice and the credit card had been charged, she asked what I needed next.

I wanted a pretty camera bag for my new camera that T bought me for Christmas.  But I didn't want your stereotypical camera bag.  I wanted something that would fit all the normal camera stuff AND my bare minimum of purse-related items.  We found one.  I was beautiful, but I couldn't justify spending any more money once we found out orthodontia and vision therapy (not covered by insurance) were in our future.  So I dug out one of my older purses and have been using that.

And then I click over to MckMama's place this morning and see this.  I know it's even pink, and I don't like pink.  But look at the inside!  Look at the compartments!  My camera would be very happy in this bag.


  1. Maybe you'll win! (And pink is timeless.) =>

  2. Ok, wow, that IS a gorgeous bag...

  3. I saw that one....and it is amazing! I would love one in red!


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