Monday Planning

I'm not as frazzled this week as I usually am Monday morning.  I'm not sure if it's a shift in my thinking or if I've just totally lost my mind and the craziness just doesn't bother me anymore.  So here's my list of things to accomplish for the week. 
  1. Run today, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday - following my VTNT training schedule. 
  2. Start week 5 of  (I did the exhausted test yesterday and did 44!)
  3. Remember to be patient with Smarty Pants because she gets her expander put in tomorrow afternoon and will have a sore mouth. 
  4. Get more fundraising letters out the door for VTNT.
  5. Decide if I'm going to impose on my parents for babysitting Wednesday night (one day after they get back from their 2-week vacation) so I can go to bunco alone and not pay a babysitter.
  6. Stay on top of my work so maybe I'm not until midnight every night this week. 
  7. Figure out when a good day is for Sweet Pea to do her makeup ski lesson. 
So, do you have a plan for the week?  


  1. 44 - holy cow!!! i did 40, which puts me on the cusp of column 3. i'm actually sorta glad i'm in c2 - all those push ups scare me!

  2. Hope you get to go to bunco. You'll need it after logging all those miles and taking the kiddo to the orthodontist!

  3. How did I miss this post??? I haven't been playing along lately either - maybe that's my problem. Oh, and just for the record - yes you HAVE gone crazy. That sounds like your typical insane week to me!


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