Tell It To Me Tuesday - (finish this sentence)

Sometimes I....

Sometimes I look in the eyes of sweet girls and wonder how I got to be so lucky.

Sometimes I wonder how I got to where I am in life relatively unscathed by life. 

Sometimes I wonder if I have the strength to get through the day. 

Sometimes I despise being an adult.  

And sometimes I am just so thankful that those faces above are healthy.

Head over to Jade's and see how others completed that sentence.


  1. You are so lucky....and so are they! Beautiful girls!

  2. They are beautiful girls! This is such a sweet, poignant post. Thank you for sharing!

  3. What beautiful girls! You aren't lucky, you are blessed. Thanks for sharing this post.

  4. Oh, there are days I totally wish I wasn't a grown up. When I've dared to say that out loud, I've been asked if I'm crazy. Apparently, I am.

  5. Oh my, there are some days where I despise being a grown up. I'm with you.

    And your girls are awesome. But I'm sure you already knew that, right?

  6. Thanks for the reminder to count my blessings today, too.

  7. i was just thinking yesterday afternoon - i was down on my hands and knees sanding the spaculing off the baseboards and thinking "being a grownup sucks"

    but you have 3 beautiful biproducts of your grownupness...and they are bless to have you as their mommy

  8. Sorry I'm really late catching up with the Tell it to me Posts, but getting there!

    This is a lovely post, these are lovely girls. I agree with you about being a grown up, we never appreciate when we are kids how great it is!


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