Tell It To Me Tuesday - "I wish I could say"

I wish I could say....

how scared I feel at times.  

how peaceful I feel inside at the same time.

that I had all the answers. 

Visit Jade to see what others have to tell.


  1. Something tells me that if you feel peaceful even when you feel scared, then you probably have some of the most important answers figured out. :) Maybe the details aren't always easy, but the bigger picture is solid and grounded.

  2. My daughter has taken to asking me why her favorite superhero wears a mask. She is enthralled with him, but scared of the mask, and can't quite reconcile herself to liking him completely. She keeps asking and I keep answering, but I find myself wishing I had the answer, the one right answer, that would put her mind at ease. I'm sure I will wish this many times over the years.

  3. Oh, I've got the sacred part down. Now I just need to figure out the peaceful part.

  4. having all the there is a scary place to be.


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