You Capture - Faces

Beth? Are you out there?  Because I loved this  
I think I captured a lot of love here too. 

Oh, how I love her sweet face!

And check out the eyelashes!! I thought only boys had eyelashes like that!
(Do you like the bedhead too?)

He is one of my most favorite people! 
This is my honey, my rock, my money-maker, the love of my life!
(Yes, sappy. But after more than 15 years together I still like him!)

This is the other "man" in my life.  This is Bear.  
He is sweet and stubborn and very jealous when it comes to sharing me with T.  

This is "my" girl (the middle child).  She is the only one who looks enough like me for it to be obvious that she's my kid. She is so sweet and full of generosity and love.  Did you see the letter she wrote me the other day? No? 

And last, but certainly not least.  Me.  A sweaty mess after running 5+ miles wearing my awesome Team In Training training T-shirt.  This is the face a happy runner.  
(Feel free to click on that Team in Training button the right column and throw me a donation! It's for a great cause!)

So what did YOU capture this week?



  1. Okay, where is a pic of SP? And Pumpkin? And Grace? Huh? Huh?

  2. The eyelashes! The smile! The runners high happy look. Great captures!

  3. Great shots! Love that last one...I love to run too!

  4. Fun photos! And good job for running 5K!

  5. You have a beautiful family! And the last shot? AWESOME. You're amazing!

  6. What sweet photos! And congrats on running for TNT - I've raised money for them four times...such a great cause!

  7. you have beautiful girls Kristen!

    And woohoo for the last are a hot sweaty mess-and your smiling after running 5 miles!!! You do rock!

  8. These are perfect - you have a great smile!

    And yes, those eyelashes totally rock!

  9. I loved this challenge too! You have beautiful shots of beautiful people (and cats!). And kudos to you for including your own face.

  10. Great captures! What beautiful eyes she has :) I'm glad you miss New Mexico ;) SO many people complain about it, I wish they would leave and you would come back!

  11. Bless you for running for such a worthy cause!

  12. These are great captures! I don't even have a cat, but I know how hard it is to get cat's eyes to LOOK LIKE THAT! and the girls? well, fabulous! I love that you are doing team in training. Being able to run and given back in that way is phenomenal. I wish you tons of luck in your training and June's big day :)

  13. Great shots!! Those are some amazing eyes on your cat!!

  14. Mmmmmmmmm, runner's high! Love it. Miss it!

    And "bedhead" is my favorite kiddo look, too. There's something so inherently happy about it, like a souvenir from all those sweet dreams.

  15. Looks like you're surrounded by some sweet faces!

  16. Great shots! I always feel so accomplished after running a longer distance.

  17. Such great faces! And I love that runner's high! Totally worth it!

  18. I loved this week's challenge, too. I don't focus on the little faces in my life often enough. Good luck with the race!

  19. What sweet faces :) Thanks for visiting my blog too :)

  20. I absolutely love long eye lashes! Beautiful.

    And you ARE a sweaty mess.

  21. The shots of Bear and your middle child (love the b+w effect!) are my favorite!

  22. Cool shots, your girls are really cute.

  23. :) Love the pics! Especially the sweaty one!

  24. What sweet photos!
    Your cat looks just like my kitty. Great shots!

  25. The first one is my absolute favorite! Her face looks so sly:)


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