2010 - A Day in the Life - week 10

March 7

Warm temperatures, a nice breeze, towels on the line.

March 8

Kitty paws on a windowsill.

March 9

My cute Sass!

March 10

Cantalope from Costco.  It was very juicy and sweet.

March 11

(I'm totally cheating on this one. This is where I spent March 11th.
But I took the picture tonight.)

March 12

My sweet SmartyPants made this card for me and slid it under the bathroom door while I was in the shower.  Days like these make up for those "other" days.

March 13

What Sass and I spent the morning doing.  
(Shh, it's a surprise for T!)


  1. The clothes-on-the-line picture is gorgeous, I love it! And that card is really sweet. I hope you are feeling better!

  2. Kitty paws and homemade cards! Thanks for making me smile this weekend. =>

  3. neat pics! makes me think I should be out hanging my laundry!

  4. ooh - i love line dryed towels and sheets. my neighborhood won't let me have a clothes line though :(

  5. I love your photos. And I do believe our cats are twins.


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