2010 - A Day in the Life - week 11

March 14
My sweetie before our 10K in 28-degree weather.

March 15

This picture? 
Warms my heart with its sweetness.

March 16

My girls, my mom, and my mom's "special" kitty.
(The "special" kitty story is for another day!)

March 17

This is Sophie.  She is one of the gymnastic coach's dog. 
I love her face here, mid blink. 

March 18

Cute flip-flopped Sweet Pea foot at the pool.

March 19

Playing at the park after our trip to the Animal Grossology exhibit at a local museum.

March 20

The view of my computer after I was done working at midnight after scrapbooking all day. 
(The background is a download from The Pioneer Woman.)


  1. A special kitty? I had one of those, a schizophrenic non-meowing calico. Now, she lives with my mom since she didn't really go for husbands. Or dogs. Or kids.

    And a 28-degree 10K? Brrrrrrrr!

  2. oooh, I hate races in freezing temperatures. I've run several. Not good memories.

    And I want to know more about the "special" kitty. :)

  3. love the sleeping pic...so sweet!


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