2010 - A Day in the Life - week 12

March 21

This is my rash. It is *finally* going away...now that I forked over my co-pay to see the doctor.
Who I want you to know, looked at me after I explained its history and said,
"Mmm, that's really interesting. Not sure what to tell you."
Yes, I pay good money for this.  But I reminded him that he has a Team In Training letter sitting on his desk at home from me.  Hopefully he'll remember to donate. 

March 22
I apologize for the crappy picture.  Cell phone. 
Sass lost another tooth. I didn't even know she had one that was loose.
Go, mom of the year!

March 23
Love the new and growing pine cones in the neighbors' yard.  

March 24
My gymnast. They were doing handstands with shoulder touches. Crazy.

March 25
Let it be known that I wore a skirt.
But isn't it pretty.  Love Old Navy.

March 26

T and I had a date last night.  We enjoyed drinks and yummy delicious appetizers at a quaint, local restaurant that has been around forever.  Some of the best calamari I think I've ever had. 
This was a lamp in the lounge area.  It reminds me of a viking helmet. 

March 27
I'm sure I have, but have I mentioned how much I love the beauty of where I live?
I took a little hike this evening.  The hill I'm standing on is less than 5 minutes from my house. 
Who wants to come visit?


  1. What a fabulous view! Love it!

    Shoulder touches while handstanding? That's talent.

  2. That lamp is very Viking-ish, isn't it? And calamari ... Yum! Sorry to hear about your rash (and the doctor's comment). I always feel like I should ask for a refund when they say something like that. If I'd wanted "I'm not sure what to tell you," I would have stayed home and asked Google, you know??

  3. so much in one post!!

    you are a running rockstar!!

    I love your view and would love to come visit!!

    my daughter now just comes and asks for the $$ for her teeth and I only know about the loose ones if they hurt and she is whiny!

    good luck with that rash & doc!

  4. Sorry the doctor didn't have anything to say about your rash. It looks heat-rash like to me, but what do I know?

    Shoulder touches with handstands-totally impressive!

    And I'd love to come visit! We do Vegas every couple of years and the mountains always amaze me, but I like in ultra flat Michigan, so it doesn't take much.

  5. i don't know what to tell you? seriously dude? you went to medical school for that??

    gorgeous picture!!

  6. Love the view! And you wore a skirt? WOW! Impressive. :)

  7. I love the last photo - what a gorgeous view!

  8. Me, me - I want to come visit! Oh, wait... I get to see you next week! Yay!


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