Monday Planning

I haven't done one of these in a couple of weeks.  Life has been that busy, that I've barely had time to blog. This week is going to be intermittently crazy.  So let's get the list going.

  1. I am planning on getting everything I need for CCD tomorrow done today. 
  2. I am planning on attending my community fundraiser dinner at Claim Jumper restaurant tonight.  Yes, the fundraiser is for Team In Training.  (I am sooo close to reaching my goal.  Feel free to donate to the cause and help a girl out!)
  3. I am planning on spending 4 hours, no more, at an audit meeting tomorrow morning.  (Not a personal audit - don't be scared for me!
  4. I am planning on getting all of my runs in this week.  (I've already finished today's.)
  5. I am planning on getting as much work done as I can during the day to ease my nightly workload. 
  6. I'm planning on enjoying this week - in anticipation of the Easter Vigil this weekend where T will be initiated into the Catholic Church.  
  7. I'm planning on not going insane.  (One can always hope, right?)
Do you have any plans for the week?


  1. Easter has just snuck up on me. i need to talk to Jay to decide what service we'll attend

  2. Not going insane: that's on my list, too. How are you doing so far?? =>


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