Tell It To Me Tuesday - "I've learned"

I've learned so many things over the years that I have walked this earth.  I've learned that I can rely and depend on my parents.  I've learned that in order to be open to new opportunity, my heart has to be open as well.  I've learned that sometimes being vulnerable can hurt and help.  I've learned that trust is one of the most important aspects of life.  I've learned that no matter how much I think I want to be alone, I'm always surrounded by those who care.  I've learned that sometimes being scared is a good thing.  I've learned that having kids is the most heart-breaking and awe-inspiring experience.  I've learned that working hard in relationships pays off - just not always in the way I anticipated.

I've learned so much, and I will continue to learn every day.


  1. Lovely post, it's great to think about all the things we've learnt. I think I'll write down a more serious version for myself later, I was mostly having a play on my blog, but I'm giving it some serious thought now!

  2. All of these, so true. I loved the bit about how a heart needs to be open. And the bit about having kids. I talked to Toby about my ever-demanding biological clock and we've decided we will start trying to have kids sometime next year! :) I can't wait. I want next year to be now! (I must learn patience.) :)

  3. you mothers amaze me. its never been a job i wanted. you ladies do incredible things

  4. I can't even imagine being a mother. I know how much I feel for my goddaughters, and I know it's so much more when it's your own child. I'm ever more appreciative of good moms these days....

  5. My favorite part is the one about working hard. So true that working hard pays off, in relationships and in life, and in so many unexpected ways!

  6. oh, and i love the very hungry catepillar!!


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