Tell It To Me Tuesday - Time

Time, it is a strange beast.  Since the beginning of this year (2010) I have been thinking, okay, once we get through this point it will get easier.  And then that point hits, and I think, okay, once we get through this point it will get easier. 

Well, you know what? It hasn't.  And I shouldn't be surprised about that fact either.  That is the nature of life. That is the nature of the life we choose to live.  I have three kids.  Gone are the days of a toddler and a baby where I could just hang out at the house with them and play and spend days in my pj's.  Gone are the days of snuggling with T in front of a movie uninterrupted.  Gone are the days of miracles and wonder.... no, wait.  Sorry Paul Simon reference.

Time has a way of moving so fast and yet so slow.  I mean how can my kids be 9, 7, and 4! Come on! My baby is 4?  Really?  But I'm glad she's not a baby anymore.  She didn't sleep through the night for 14 months.  I definitely don't miss that time.  If you know me, me and lack of sleep are not friends.  But now I have not 1, not 2, but 3 sweet, sassy girls that fill my days with warm hugs and periodic bouts of high blood pressure.

My life is not what I pictured it back when I was 18, but at the same time it is the same.  I wanted to be married and have kids and be content and healthy.  You know what? We are.  Life is full of transition.  At least my life has always been full of transition and change.

Change is good.  Change in inevitable.  Change takes us from one point in time to another.  And hopefully we learn something along the way.


  1. Our kiddos "fill our days with warm hugs and periodic bouts of high blood pressure." Ain't that the truth?? It's hard to remember to look for the lessons, the value, as we go sometimes. Thanks for this reminder!

  2. I do that all the time too: think I just need to get through the next thing and then it'll be easier...except there's always something more to get through. (I've also been listening to Graceland a lot lately too!)

    Still, all in all, it is a beautiful life, when I stop to think on it. I'm glad you feel the same too about yours!

  3. i never thought when i was complaining about live being boring just a few years ago, i'd end up here, wondering where i could borrow a spare hour.

  4. I do that, too. I tell myself it will get easier after a certain point. And it usually doesn't. But I always (okay, I try to) stop and say a little thank you that I made it to whatever my magic point was.

  5. Oh my gosh, I just posted something similar. where DOES the time go?

  6. I think you and Thea are reading each other's minds. I read yours right after hers. I wouldn't change a thing but it breaks my heart that time is going by so fast.


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