You Capture - A Moment

I  missed last week's You Capture, which made me sad.  Last week was so insanely busy, so I think I needed this week's challenge.  It's very simple.  "A Moment".

One of the things that made my life extra crazy last week was our trip to a museum on Friday with the homeschool co-op we participate in.  It was a fun exhibit entitled Animal Grossology.  We learned about dung beetles and snails and cows producing methane gas and poop and blood suckers, oh my!  A good time was had by all.

After the museum we all headed over to the park and had lunch and the kids all ran around crazy.  Sweet Pea was digging the swings (on her tummy), SmartyPants was busy on the monkey bars practicing her pullovers, and Sass? That girl was busy and loving being in the middle of all the chaos of fun surrounding her.  There was a game of freeze tag going on - essentially boys against girls.  Not really sure what kind of crazy rules they were playing by, and I did hear conversation about being "frozen" and such.

This park is huge.  It has three wonderfully large play sets and a pond and gazebos and the museum.  There was also an area that was about football field size that was all dirt.  I'm not sure what the purpose of this space was, but the kids were tearing around in it chasing each other.

And then she spied me.

I love seeing her have so much fun and not competing with her sisters.  In her own element.  As the middle child, she gets stuck sometimes.  But in this moment? She was shining.



  1. That moment when they see you peering at them through the lens is a fun one, true.

  2. Oh what a fun moment to capture!!

  3. Dung beetles AND playing outside? That's just a great day all around!

  4. She is so adorable...glad she had fun learning!

  5. Looks like a ton of fun! Thanks for stopping by today! :-)

  6. What a fun day! I love that look when they discover you.

  7. Poop and blood and sweat all in one day? Excellent. And what a beautiful moment, with her hair all wispy from play and that look of excitement and concentration on her face. Love it.

  8. Great capture of a beautiful girl!

  9. Hey - I bought her that shirt! :) I can't believe it still fits.


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