You Capture - Quiet

I am going to admit right now that I feel like crap.  I'm praying I'm not getting sick.  Didn't anyone remind my body that getting sick does not fit into my schedule?  So, with that said, I did attempt to find some "quiet" pictures this week.  But my week is rarely quiet.  So here goes.

My backyard.  From this picture, it looks quiet and peaceful.  And actually it was.  All the craziness was going on inside the house.

And this one? 
It reminds me of playing hide and seek.  
Being extra quiet while peeking out to see if the "it" person is coming.

So there you have it.  My "quiet" pictures.  What did you capture this week?



  1. Craziness inside the house: check! Sorry to hear you're getting sick. Hope the quiet soothes you.

  2. This is your backyard!!! OMG how wonderful - we have a towel sized one. Very quiet indeed.

  3. Nice hide and peek pic! Fun and (shhhhh) quiet. :)

  4. Beautiful shots, but I REALLY love the second one!

  5. you fake quiet very well! :) love the 2nd pic

  6. Oh, I love the hide and seek picture! And if you ever get tired of your back yard, I'll take it.

  7. I love the hide and seek picture, so creative!

  8. Second photo is definitely creative - and I love the first picture. Sadly, even outdoors was crazy this week. (Lots of neighborhood kids NOT being quiet!)

  9. beautiful photos...enjoy the quiet while you can!

  10. Oh it does look like hide and seek!! How fun!!

  11. Hah the hide and seek shot is great!
    Hope you're feeling better.

  12. Yep, to find the quiet, we pretty much can count on having to LEAVE the house in search of it. Speaking of searching, I LOVE that hide and seek picture!

  13. Nice shots...very tranquil. I love the hide and seek.

  14. yes, I love the hide and seek shot...beautiful!


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